Gospel Coach Foundations

Gospel Coach Training Process

Track 1 - $289
2-day Gospel Coaching Foundations Training (8 sessions = 12 credit hours)
Cost: $289.00 plus hotel, taxes, incidentials, etc.
Attendee receives a Certificate of Completion
Track 2 - $1,500 with Certificate of Completion
Trihort (21 credit hours), 24 coaching sesions (18 coaching conversations in Trihort with CMM Facilitator, 6 scrimmage coaching sessions), a 360 degree evaluation, membership in Gospel Coach Network
Track 3 - Advanced Gospel Coach Training
Specific coach training for various leadership roles, group coaching, and team coaching
Interested in Training as a Gospel Coach?

CMM desires to equip, train, and empower 1000s of men and women as Gospel Coaches to spread grace renewing dynamics where we live, work, and worship.

Register for Training Now

Gospel Coach Training Query

If you would be interested in learning more or joining us in prayer for these training sessions, please fill out the contact information below.

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